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Download Net Core For Mac

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Download.NET Core Framework for Mac - It provides developers who want to build Core apps with a comprehensive set of development features such as compilers and language support. To download any other version of.NET Core, visit the dotnet page. When using.NET Core 3.0, C# version 8 will be used by default. C# 7.3 is default when using.NET Core 2.x. See C# language versioning for more info. For information on installing a preview version of Visual Studio for Mac, see the Install a Preview Release guide. ️.NET Core 3.1 downloads ️.NET Core 2.1 downloads; All.NET Core downloads; Next, extract the downloaded file and use the export command to set variables used by.NET Core and then ensure.NET Core is in PATH. To extract the runtime and make the.NET Core CLI commands available at the terminal, first download a.NET Core binary release.

If you want to use Retro Assembler to code on Linux (even on a Raspberry Pi) or on macOS, you have to install .NET Core on your computer. Normally you'd just go to and follow the instructions, but if you need help, I'll try to provide some here.


  • During the time of writing this guide, the current .NET Core version is 3.1. If there is a newer version by the time you read this, install that one.
  • Only the .NET Core Runtime is needed to run applications like Retro Assembler, so this guide focuses on that option.
  • This guide assumes you use Ubuntu Linux 19.10, or any of the recent macOS versions on Mac.
  • This guide assumes you use the Bash shell which is the default on most systems.
  • If you mess up something in your system, I'm not responsible for that.

Installing on Windows

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Windows on the top.
  • Click on Download .NET Core Runtime, then click on Download x64.
Download .net core 2.1 mac

Installing on macOS

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose macOS on the top.
  • Here download the .NET Core SDK installer (recommended), or under All .NET Core downloads.., pick the latest version and from the Run apps - Runtime column download the installer you need.

Installing on Linux

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Linux on the top.
  • Click on the Install .NET Core button and on the page it opens, select your chosen Linux distribution. Or here is a direct link to the Ubuntu 19.10 - x64 page which lists the installation steps.

Here are the commands you'll need to enter into the Terminal:

Installing on Raspberry Pi and on other ARM based SBCs

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Linux on the top.
  • You'll need to download the ARM32 binaries package and install it manually. Click on All .NET Core downloads.., pick the latest version and Run apps - Runtime column find the .NET Core Runtime (version) section. Download the ARM32 package from the Linux Binaries.
  • Rename this downloaded file to dotnet.tar.gz for easier handling below.

Here are the commands you'll need to enter into the Terminal:

This works perfectly, the only caveat is that you'll need to perform this manual install with every updated .NET Core version you want to use.

Testing in the Terminal

Run this command to check whether the .NET Core Runtime has been installed successfully. It will list the currently installed version's details.

Now you can run Retro Assembler with this command:

Optional, but it is recommended to edit the command shell's startup file with a command alias to run Retro Assembler with ease, as if it was a Linux/Mac native command line application.

Download .net Core 2.1 Mac


Open your user's home directory and edit the hidden file .bashrc on Linux, or .bash_profile on macOS. The latter usually doesn't exist and you have to create it. Then enter this line into the bash file with your chosen file path:

This will allow you to just enter the command ra and run the assembler from either the Terminal or from Visual Studio Code.

Disclaimer: I am not on the .NET Core Team. I used the tools available publicly and have no insights into the future of .NET Core. It looks very bright though. :)

The working source code for this project can be found here.



A complete list of post in this series is included below :

In this post, we're going to look at running the app from the command line and then the Mac. Download mysql jdbc driver for mac.

Running the App in the Windows Command Prompt

While you can obviously run the app inside of Visual Studio with the F5 command. You should also know that you can run the app inside of the console. Before we begin, make sure you have the app found here. After opening the app or downloading it, open the folder containing the project in the command prompt.

You can run your application here by simply typing :

You will the following output :

The exact same result from running the console app in Visual Studio.

Using dotnet publish to get the app ready for Mac

Go ahead and type dotnet publish on the command prompt and then type tree to look at your directory listing as shown below :

You should see the publish directory. Navigate into it and list out the files in the directory :

Take note that the dlls listed below are related to the package reference that we added in the last blog post.

  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll

This only leaves the NetCoreConsoleApp.dll which is the Console application that we can run on a Mac (or any other platform that supports .NET Core).

Running the app on a Mac

Finally! It is about time you might say. I agree. Before you can run the app on your Mac, you're going to need to head back over to the .NET Core downloads page and install OpenSSL and then the SDK (or runtime) if you remember the difference from the first post.

To run this on your Mac, you'll need to copy the ‘publish' folder to your Mac. Then open Terminal and you can run the app by just typing :

Download .net Core 3.1 For Mac

This is awesome! Now you have an app that run on another platform and you used your existing .NET skillset to create it. I'm LOVING .NET Core!

  • During the time of writing this guide, the current .NET Core version is 3.1. If there is a newer version by the time you read this, install that one.
  • Only the .NET Core Runtime is needed to run applications like Retro Assembler, so this guide focuses on that option.
  • This guide assumes you use Ubuntu Linux 19.10, or any of the recent macOS versions on Mac.
  • This guide assumes you use the Bash shell which is the default on most systems.
  • If you mess up something in your system, I'm not responsible for that.

Installing on Windows

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Windows on the top.
  • Click on Download .NET Core Runtime, then click on Download x64.

Installing on macOS

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose macOS on the top.
  • Here download the .NET Core SDK installer (recommended), or under All .NET Core downloads.., pick the latest version and from the Run apps - Runtime column download the installer you need.

Installing on Linux

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Linux on the top.
  • Click on the Install .NET Core button and on the page it opens, select your chosen Linux distribution. Or here is a direct link to the Ubuntu 19.10 - x64 page which lists the installation steps.

Here are the commands you'll need to enter into the Terminal:

Installing on Raspberry Pi and on other ARM based SBCs

  • Go to the .NET Core download page, choose Linux on the top.
  • You'll need to download the ARM32 binaries package and install it manually. Click on All .NET Core downloads.., pick the latest version and Run apps - Runtime column find the .NET Core Runtime (version) section. Download the ARM32 package from the Linux Binaries.
  • Rename this downloaded file to dotnet.tar.gz for easier handling below.

Here are the commands you'll need to enter into the Terminal:

This works perfectly, the only caveat is that you'll need to perform this manual install with every updated .NET Core version you want to use.

Testing in the Terminal

Run this command to check whether the .NET Core Runtime has been installed successfully. It will list the currently installed version's details.

Now you can run Retro Assembler with this command:

Optional, but it is recommended to edit the command shell's startup file with a command alias to run Retro Assembler with ease, as if it was a Linux/Mac native command line application.

Download .net Core 2.1 Mac

Open your user's home directory and edit the hidden file .bashrc on Linux, or .bash_profile on macOS. The latter usually doesn't exist and you have to create it. Then enter this line into the bash file with your chosen file path:

This will allow you to just enter the command ra and run the assembler from either the Terminal or from Visual Studio Code.

Disclaimer: I am not on the .NET Core Team. I used the tools available publicly and have no insights into the future of .NET Core. It looks very bright though. :)

The working source code for this project can be found here.


A complete list of post in this series is included below :

In this post, we're going to look at running the app from the command line and then the Mac. Download mysql jdbc driver for mac.

Running the App in the Windows Command Prompt

While you can obviously run the app inside of Visual Studio with the F5 command. You should also know that you can run the app inside of the console. Before we begin, make sure you have the app found here. After opening the app or downloading it, open the folder containing the project in the command prompt.

You can run your application here by simply typing :

You will the following output :

The exact same result from running the console app in Visual Studio.

Using dotnet publish to get the app ready for Mac

Go ahead and type dotnet publish on the command prompt and then type tree to look at your directory listing as shown below :

You should see the publish directory. Navigate into it and list out the files in the directory :

Take note that the dlls listed below are related to the package reference that we added in the last blog post.

  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll

This only leaves the NetCoreConsoleApp.dll which is the Console application that we can run on a Mac (or any other platform that supports .NET Core).

Running the app on a Mac

Finally! It is about time you might say. I agree. Before you can run the app on your Mac, you're going to need to head back over to the .NET Core downloads page and install OpenSSL and then the SDK (or runtime) if you remember the difference from the first post.

To run this on your Mac, you'll need to copy the ‘publish' folder to your Mac. Then open Terminal and you can run the app by just typing :

Download .net Core 3.1 For Mac

This is awesome! Now you have an app that run on another platform and you used your existing .NET skillset to create it. I'm LOVING .NET Core!


OK, I'm going to take a break and I'll be back next week. As always, thanks for reading and smash one of those share buttons to give this post some love if you found it helpful. Also, feel free to leave a comment below or follow me on twitter for daily links and tips.

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